Thursday, November 6, 2014

Harmony Center Update

This 2014-2015 school year I have had the pleasure of supervising one of our afterschool program sites in Harmony Dwellings. Three days a the week, about 10 -15 children attend this site. During their time at the afterschool program, the Geneva College tutors and myself engage them in various activities which can include making crafts, playing outside, and group activities and always includes a Bible lesson.

During the month of October, we incorporated bullying into our Bible lessons and life skill activities. At first, when just talking to the children about bullying and why it was wrong, they seemed bored and disinterested. Yet, when that same information was integrated into the Bible lessons, the children couldn’t seem to get enough. It is exciting to see how eager they are to learn more about God.

It is just as exciting when they teach us as well. One day, I was telling the story of David and Goliath, a story many of them had heard over and over again, I thought to myself, “they don’t really care about this story and aren’t going to gain anything from it this time.” To my surprise, a small voice in the back of the room said, “we are small but we can do big things too!” That little voice was right! We are small compared to the world and the problems that we may face, but we have a God who is greater than those problems and us. It is in Him that we are conquerors. I am excited to see what God is doing and will continue to do in the lives of the children here at Tiger Pause.
Brittany Foster
Harmony Center Supervisor

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