Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Proclamation of Truth

One of the activities that gives me the most joy is watching the Andy Griffith Show with my daughter, Morgan. It could be because she cuddles right up to me and her head fits on my shoulder just right. It also could be because I can drift off to sleep and not have to worry about inappropriate content being shown which I would have to explain to an 11 year-old. Maybe it’s because Don Knotts, who was a Marine drill instructor, is anything but a drill instructor as Barney Fife.  (He does have nice pant creases!) It could also be that Opie reminds me of my son, Samuel. (Godzilla reminds me of my baby, Caleb.) But more than not, it is probably because Andy Taylor doesn’t wear a gun and uses his wits to catch criminals, swat the mayor’s decisions, or just ruffle some old bird’s feathers.

For a retired brawler like me, there is great admiration for a man who can do that. For the Christ-like example I want to be, that’s a great challenge for which only His strength can lead me. If you watch closely, Andy doesn’t use admonition to square off with Opie, Otis or any of the rebellious bad guys that wander into town. He doesn’t use accommodation with the politically correct mayor, the liberal women activists, or the groovy band that pulls down main street. Instead, he uses proclamation of truth to change perspectives, give insight, and keep his town safe. What a novel idea! Officers of the law, justices of peace, using truth to protect and serve. The general who picks the battlefield usually wins the war.

Speaking of proclaiming truth, we had a great opportunity to proclaim truth on the streets of Beaver Falls with our 3rd annual Rumble in the Jungle event. It was a wonderful day beginning with a prayer walk around the Beaver Falls schools and Steffin Hill Presbyterian Church camped out offering “Prayer on the Corner.” We continued with wholesome and enjoyable enterainment by Noa Jordan leading up to our Splash Pad dedication. After years of work, Seth’s Showers Splash Pad fountain park was dedicated to the Lord in honor of Dr. Jack White and in memory of William R. Duffy with prayer. We look forward to how this special park can be a blessing to our area.

Our proclamations of truth continued with our featured event—the Rumble in the Jungle Extreme Obstacle Challenge. Participants conquered difficult obstacles—each marked with a scripture reference and exhortation. We are thankful for all who attended, participated, and volunteered. We are especially thankful for the opportunity to glorify God and all He does with Tiger Pause and in our community. Let the proclamations continue!

Semper Fi,

Matt Nance