Friday, July 25, 2014

A Note from The Director

Two weeks ago, I had a spontaneous idea for my 15th wedding anniversary. I wanted to do something special and surprise my wife. The pastor who came alongside me is one of my best friends and Tiger Pause’s Director of Ministry, Rev. Bryan Crawl. As we slapped down the order of service for renewing my vows, it became clear that the Lord wanted to do more than just help me surprise my wife. What a testimony opportunity to share one of the most precious institutions God created with children who have not typically had God’s prescription for marriage modeled to them at home. What a privilege for me to share my love with the woman who has given me everything with the Tiger Pause staff and children I care about so much.

How great is His providence that with just 48 hours notice, one of my other best friends and life coach was able to participate as well. How blessed I am that the Board of Directors who pray for me and care for me and this community showed up to support us in this as well. It was a powerful demonstration of God’s provision that a man and woman shall leave their mother and father and become one flesh and what God has brought together, let no man separate.

We covet your prayers as we enter into the next years of our marriage and life with our own children and our Tiger Pause children. Thank you for your continued prayers and support which help empower us to continue God’s work in Beaver Falls and our own lives.

Matt Nance